Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lost in Time

Saturday - June 2, 2012

Somehow, without the structure of an academic week and with Joe's weekend work, I have completely lost my sense of time.  Most of today, I thought it was Friday and did a bit of a double take when I realized that Megan and Jonathan would soon be departing for their respective schools.

Last night, the two of them commandeered the kitchen to bake a batch of delicious neutrophil-friendly almond muffins, our first recipe from the cancer-focused cookbooks given to us by Sally, Rachel, and Carolyn.  VERY yummy for a late night snack, breakfast, mid-morning nosh etc.  I think we've finished them all!

Today, I reflected on all the changes that took place in May.  Abdominal surgery, an abrupt end to school, the lymphoma diagnosis that FINALLY  explained my miseries, the first cycle of chemo, AND the restoration of my vision and eradication of my migraines.  It sounds insane, I suppose, but I am so relieved to be able to see and to be painfree that the "cancer" moniker has lost much of its punch.  The incredible support of my family and friends has cushioned me from much of the terror that the diagnosis might otherwise bring.  So, as I sit here gazing at my kind and beautiful children splayed out near me (all 3 of us on our separate computers!), with two hounds cuddled up on my hips, Joe working nearby, and my sister Carolyn driving ever-eastward to join me for the month, I feel ... happy ... and lucky ... and very, very content.  With so many positives, how can life be anything but fine?

Being lost in time with my family alongside me is bliss.

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