Friday, June 8, 2012

Last Push (or Drip) for Round #2

Friday - June 8, 2012

My natural curiosities have certainly been set off by my lymphoma diagnosis.  While Megan, Joe, and Carolyn investigate current blogs, I go backwards.  An entire world of scientific discovery and research and clinical practice now occupies a huge wormhole into which I sometimes fall.  For example, the Hyper-CVAD protocol includes chemo that has roots in traditional folk medicine.  Today, I will have my first dose of Vincristine which originates in the vinca plant and has been used for centuries.  I will also have a 21 hour infusion of Doxorubicin which was isolated and then developed in the 1950s from bacteria found in soil samples taken from an Italian castle.  Here is where my interests just soar.  Who had the ideas to investigate these 2 avenues?  How much work and trial took place before the potential was realized?  Fascinating!

Jonathan has already arrived at 7:50!  So excited!  We are streaming the French Open semis and having some (illicit for him) breakfast!


Guess what?  Chemo makes me sleepy ... and this "odd round" of Hyper CVAD causes me to retain fluid.  So today - with the encouragement of son and then sister - I listened to my body, put my feet up, and napped in the morning and then in the late afternoon.  A sleepy day with good company!  AND a long, hot shower!

Jonathan went home to Williamsburg mid-day, returning with Joe for an evening visit of Scattegories and World Cup Soccer viewing.  Carolyn is staying another night at the hospital's convenient - but certainly not anything but plain - hospitality house.  Have I mentioned enough how fortunate I am for her great humor, smiles, and company?  I am so lucky for all of this wonderful support!

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