Friday, June 29, 2012

"Seek home for rest, for home is best"

Friday - June 29, 2012

At 1:20, Joe and I picked up my sundry shopping bags (why don't I bring luggage?) and ambled down the hall of the Oncology Unit on our way HOME!  Truth be told, I never leave my room at VCU.   I just hole up.  I never even peek out the door.  Ever.  Yes, the staff encourages me to walk the halls for exercise but somehow I completely resist (and I am really NOT someone who resists anything), opting instead to stand up, stretch, and move for much of my computer work and other "activity" within the confines of my room.  As one of the healthier people on the hall (for now), might I be avoiding an encounter with deeper sickness?  with my possible future?  Anyway, as we left my room, I was overwhelmed with gratitude to have weathered my third chemo cycle and with relief to be leaving the friendly but stultifying hospital environs.  Fingers crossed that I will not be back in a hospital room until July 17!

Joe with the Critical Care Hospital behind him

 Although the spiffy Jetta showed a 103 degree outside temperature, it was still a tremendous rush to get into the fresh (heavy, humid) air and feel the breeze!  When we hit the gate at camp, I hopped into the driver's seat and opened up the throttle along the curving roads.  Fun, fun, fun!!  Gotta love the tight handling and responsiveness of VW engineering!  Love this car!

It was a lovely afternoon.  How tremendous to be home one day earlier than expected!  I was pretty played out and took advantage of my favorite spot on the couch to cuddle the dogs, watch Wimbledon, and respond to some emails.  When responding to a  Linkedin invitation, I inadvertently hit some innocuous button and sent out more than 2800 invitations to link up!  Dear internet circle:  I sincerely apologize for all that spam.

And how best to commemorate Jonathan's last night at home before heading back to Blacksburg?  Anna's Pizza, his favorite!

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