Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Even the ever-capable Carolyn is Foiled by the BMTU Nurses!

Wednesday - June 6, 2012

Cleared for delivery
A good sunny morning from VCU!  Carolyn beat the Carter sister arrival record, coming through the door at 6:50 a.m. a full 27 minutes ahead of Rachel's previous mark  :)   (If this is a contest, darling girls, I think we call it a draw!)

We had not fully realized / processed the strict enforcement of the dietary edicts here on the transplant floor.  Carolyn's attempt to bring in bagels and coffee were unsuccessful and the booty was confiscated at the desk.  With the 7 a.m. nursing change, my caffeinated coffee was ultimately restored to me; alas the bagels were donated to the staff room.  FYI:  yesterday Carolyn had arranged to have a therapy Australian Shepherd named Moose visit me!  Moose was gently and firmly turned away at the door but not before having the Attending Physician's hair stand on end in alarm.  Dog hair!

Last night was relatively restful for a hospital stay.  On this floor, they draw blood at 8 p.m. rather than 2 a.m. - a significant and welcome difference!

This new round of chemo has finally brought about pretty steady hair loss.  It's falling out in long strands - no clumps, yet.  While I have maintained all along that I don't think I'll be too freaked out by this unavoidable change, I did wish to get back to my classroom to see my students before my hair all fell out!  Last week's neutropenic fever foiled my efforts to get back at that time, this week I am in the hospital, and now I am aiming for after my Neulasta shot on Monday.  Hair or not, I really would like to see the children, read a book, participate in the routine, and just enjoy some closure and time together.  Fingers crossed!


My afternoon was filled with a visit from Sally and my mother.  Avoiding all the decades of details for those who might be unaware, my mother and I have been estranged since middle school (or 4th grade? or earlier?) and I have not seen her since my brother-in-law's retirement from the Navy in 2005 (?).  Anyway, estrangement does not mean ill will or latent emotion on my part - just a degree of detachment developed over years of non-contact, very tenuous attachment from childhood, and much strife from 4th to 12th grade.  When Mom returned from a cruise this week, Sally kindly offered to tell her about my lymphoma and bring her to visit me if she wished.  It was a pleasant and easy few hours as we chatted about Mom's travels, books, my illness etc.  I am very grateful to Sally that she took her entire day off to escort Mom back and forth for the visit.  All was well and it was the right thing to do.

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