Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bugle Podcast and Banana Nut Muffin

Thursday - May 31, 2012

Megan's company is certainly a special gift during hospital round #2!  We have been enjoying word games, quiet company, and some snuggling as we watched SYTYCD (without a DVR!  No small feat when you aren't used to commercials).

Megan's appliqued "an" on my new blanket :)
Megan launched today with a foraging trip downstairs that unearthed a banana nut muffin soft enough for me to eat without great pain.  We enjoyed the food while listening to a Bugle podcast with some killer observations about one of my hobby obsessions, the Scott / Amundsen race to the South Pole.  Very good fun.

Best news so far of this morning is that my Wed. 2 am neutrophils showed some bounce back.  Given that my ear infection seems to have been brought under control by IV antibiotics, I may be able to go home today or tomorrow!  Jonathan is coming home from Blacksburg late this afternoon.  Perhaps he can just pick us up at the hospital as he drives by and wheel us on home!


Doctor just confirmed that I am being discharged this afternoon after I receive another transfusion of platelets!  I am very very pleased to be getting a few days of TLC and comfort at home before coming back for round 2 of treatment on Tuesday.  AND we'll all be together :)

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