Sunday, July 1, 2012

Eight Hours' Bliss!

Sunday - July 1, 2012

Sleep!  Rest!  No inky blackness of 4 a.m. but morning sunshine when I ventured to open my eyes!  Fabulous!  I am thrilled and oh so much more rested!  Eight hours of restorative, healing sleep!  Hurrah!

100.5 will require ACTION!
Before I crashed for the night, we all had a bit of a neutropenic fever scare as my temperature crept up ... and up ... and up through the dinner hour -- flirting with the bugabaloo / all-hell-breaks-out / no-questions-asked-get-to-the-hospital-RIGHT-NOW - 100.5 degree mark.  Of course, just like with my every-4-hour-vitals-monitoring in the hospital, we track my temperature very carefully here at home.  When Joe gave me a cuddle and then commented that I seemed warm, we busted out the thermometer ahead of schedule.  When that first 99.7 temperature announced itself at high pitch and decibel, we started checking every 10 minutes! 100.1 was the apex and it bounced lower at times but never below 99.3 (which is well above my 98.1 norm).  Rats!  I couldn't believe it; we have all been so careful and I truly have been in isolation, away from germs, away from neutropenic threats.... Whenever anyone enters the house, they "foam up" (better than gel)  with a bottle Joe finagled from my last RN and I am washing my hands with all the expertise that only an early childhood educator can muster -- NObody washes hands like a preschool educator!  And still...  a fever?  So what happens if I spike a temperature in the middle of the night?  "Calm acceptance."  A middle-of-the-night-VCU admission is NOT what we are planning for but if it happens, we'll deal.

And ... after eight hours of glorious sleep?  My temperature is 98.3!  What an amazing way to start a new month!

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