Thursday, June 21, 2012

Better Day, Birthday Fun

Thursday - June 21, 2012

Yeehaw!  Back from Dalton and ensconced on my reliable (although all-too-familiar) couch by 10 a.m.!  Thank you Neulasta for bolstering my white counts and getting me in and out of the clinic without any transfusions!  Thank you Carolyn for getting me back and forth to Dalton within 3 hours!  Thank you Jonathan, Carter, and Daniel for the yummy apricot birthday muffins that greeted us upon our return home!  Thank you Joe for getting home soon!


Two people who are NOT in the hospital!
What a happy day!  Joseph was home as I emerged from a noon crash-on-the-couch and with his return everything seemed to calm and slow.  He is well and under good care and all feels right with the world.  We are so glad that he is home and even more proud that he aced his stress test.  The issue seems to be related to potassium absorption.

My physical low continues to be an overwhelming presence.  At Dalton this morning, our nurse confirmed that this physical response seems to be my chemo side effect for this "odd cycle."  The steroids have compounded the problem and thus I become more and more exhausted.  Still, the idea that I cannot CONTROL and ORDER my muscles to do as asked ("just stand up for goodness sake!") is unnerving and a bit of stress.  I do NOT like being less than optimal and am doing my best to roll with it.  "CALM ACCEPTANCE" is a lovely term that a friend recently offered and I have adopted this short phrase as an adjunct to a favorite (and my homage to an alcoholic childhood home) saying:  the Serenity Prayer.  However, calm acceptance is not easily achieved.  I am working on it :)

Non-couch highlights of today included Dan's arrival in Williamsburg for the weekend (a surprise for Daniel!), a quick dinner outing, and a Skype conversation with Megan and Chris from their apartment in Beijing!  The Alzamoras are happy that Megan is sporting her Devinny Elementary tee-shirt in Asia  :)


Kim said...

Carter looks so much like Carolyn!!!! Amazing...

Unknown said...

They are clones! Particularly in baby pictures!