Sunday, August 5, 2012

Still at Home! NOT in the Hospital :)

Sunday - August 5, 2012

Oh, I had a few moments yesterday where I felt a chill, quickly grabbed a thermometer, and waited for the ominous high-pitched / high-temperature alert beep with a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Thankfully my temperature remained steady and I am STILL HERE -- at home and NOT in a hospital!  Small, important victories!  Okay, I was indeed up at my 4 a.m. dexamethasone-induced call to wakefulness but I'll take it!  Better here than in a less-private, dog-free hospital with my port accessed, indifferent food brought in on a tray, and Joe anxious about negotiating his way from work to visit me and keep me good company.   I am thrilled to remain at home!

Physically, I continue to be in a better place than my last odd round of Hyper-CVAD.  I have learned to manage my elevated heart rate and to accept my curious lack of large-muscle function.  At one point yesterday afternoon, I thought that I might heed medical instruction and follow my deep desire to accompany Joe on a walk with the hounds.  No dice.  By the bus shed in front of our house (50 yards away?), I had to turn around.  Heavy breathing, elevated pulse, and simply no strength in my legs ... did me in.  I'm accepting my limitations and acknowledging that this phase will pass.  I'm not sure when ... but I am hoping to regain some oomph by mid-week?


Joseph and I felt like capable risk managers and took my few neutrophils out for breakfast at Food for Thought - a favorite local spot but our first breakfast visit.  I avoided touching anything common at the restaurant - handles, chairs, menus, table sets - and at our subsequent quick supermarket stop.  When I inadvertently touched a cart handle, I ran for the disinfectant towels to wipe my hands.  What a change in my world view!  I still have not spiked a temperature so... success!


Kim said...

Congratulations in listening to your body's signals so you could remain home in a familiar environment!!! Amazing job, my friend. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

I am STILL at home :)

Going for bloodwork tomorrow and hoping that my neutrophils are picking up! Fingers crossed :)