Friday, August 24, 2012

Time for Transfusions AND a Hospital Admission - AARRGGHH

Friday - August 24, 2012

Well, it's going to be a long, full day ....  My hemoglobin level is very low and my platelets are almost nonexistent so I am here at Dalton for most of the day for transfusions.  Joe has left for Williamsburg, needing to return to work and will come back for me at the end of the day.  I have a good supply of New Yorkers and a semi-charged iPad so I should be good to go!  Not quite the way I envisioned spending the day but flexibility and positivity are key!


Perspective:  A memorial on my Treatment Room door
Saline? No problem.  Platelets? No problem.  Red blood cells? Oops! Problem!  My temperature elevated one degree Celsius in the first 15 minutes of the transfusion so .........  I am being admitted.  They will try another transfusion up on the floor.  Of course, I have requested to go back to the Oncology floor!

1 comment:

Kim said...

It is such a miracle of medicine that the combined wisdom of the medical ages has brought you to this point, that they have ways to treat all the side effects of the chemo. I know it gets tiresome having something outside of your control steer your life, but in the long run, you'll be road you took these steps.

Do you have a time we can Skype tomorrow, maybe?

-- Kim