Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hooray for Being Home!

Tuesday - August 28, 2012

Was it my oncology team weighing in after my weekend of incanceration with Acute Medical?  Was it my strong lobbying / explaining that if I was not released last night then due to transport issues I would not be able to get home until dinner Tuesday?  Did they need the room?  Did my static vitals and inert blood cultures make the argument?  I'm not sure exactly what criteria came together to spring me from CCH3 but Joe and I walked off the floor after 8 p.m. last night and I am finally  - finally! - home.  A one hour nap on the couch followed by eight hours of uninterrupted sleep on the tempurpedic have revived me and now I am feeling somewhat ... perky!  My newfound energy could also be attributed to my being "tanked up" yesterday afternoon on 2 units of platelets and one unit of red blood cells or that my "slow but strong" Neulasta response is finally kicking in.  So many questions about my underlying physiology that remain incompletely understood....  My blood levels remain extremely low and, more significantly, I am still "profoundly neutropenic" so I will rest and hole up for the week. 

Big question:  will this fever and hospitalization impact my anticipated 6th round of chemo that is scheduled to begin one week from today?  The answer should come at my next visit to Dalton Clinic on Friday.

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