Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Resting up

Tuesday - August 21, 2012

"Peace" and rest sounds perfect!
Ten hours sleep last night has not exactly resulted in a peppy, zippy awakening but I am excited that my fever is down and that my pulse is under control.  I am still ... not ... quite ... right.  Some congestion.  Epic mucositis.  General weakness.  Another gray morning certainly seems conducive to a day of rest and recuperation with my eyes fixed steadfastly on the goal of staying OUT of the hospital.  One significant change about my discharge orders is that I am now taking two prophylactic antibiotics to combat infection.  This protection eases my mind.  I know that although my entire GI track is currently pretty well shredded, my natural E. coli should be confined to its designated locale and NOT cross into my bloodstream (again).

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