Thursday, August 16, 2012

Red (Blood Cells at) Dawn

Thursday - August 16, 2012

Good visit-planning with my night R.N. and great luck avoiding sodium bicarbonate "air-in-line" alarms resulted in a much better night's sleep:  6.5 hours with only one significant disruption.  My blood work came back showing a hemoglobin drop so, just before sunrise, I locked down a decent night's sleep and woke up to meet with the physician and sign my consent (again) for a transfusion.  This hiccup will not disrupt my second dose of cytarabine that is due to be hung at 10 a.m.;  my chemo schedule continues as planned.  I hope to be discharged tomorrow afternoon IF /WHEN my (remarkable and much-appreciated!) kidneys purge the 24 hour methotrexate infusion to an untraceable (<0.05) level.

Everything is moving with clockwork professionalism and friendly customer service.  It's going to be another productive day of lymphoma-poisoning here on the Oncology Floor :)


Discovered by Jonathan.
Foraged and delivered by Joe.
Perhaps envied a bit by Megan?
Enjoyed by me!

What a fabulous Burger Bach dinner picnic with Joseph here in room 132!

New-Zealand organic beef?  Delicious!

Company and effort in getting me such a special meal?  Extraordinary!

Maybe the best burger since Jackson Hole in NYC ....

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