Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just Hangin' with the Hounds

Sunday - August 19, 2012

Baxter curled up behind my right shoulder
Resting up and giving in to fatigue is made more palatable when I think of all the contentment that I am bestowing on the sweet animals that share our home with us.  I am a guaranteed cuddle for them -- and Italian Greyhounds love a good cuddle.  As I crash with physical depletion, Baxter and Sadie do not miss the opportunity to snuggle right up to me, demand attention in the form of "belly belly" (Sadie) and full, deep body strokes (Baxter) before curling or splaying out alongside me to snooze.  When we say their names, their skinny Italian Greyhound tails whip the couch like a mallet on a snare drum and they wait with excitement.  What are these humans going to say?  What might be coming next?  "Christine's home!" we remind them and then their tails explode with a rapid flourish of tapping before they can no longer contain themselves and they leap up to share kisses and hugs.  I do indeed believe that the hounds keep my spirits up and help me heal.  Our own therapy dogs!  It must sound insane to people who do not have animals in their lives but these creatures project a steady belief and connection that has certainly helped me weather my recent chemo challenges and change in life / career orientation.  Simply put, they keep me focused externally rather than internally.  They make me smile!

Sadie pushing up onto my lap / computer
A solid eight hours of sleep in my own bed may help to increase my current low baseline of energy.  Yesterday, for two separate dog walks, I went out with Joe and managed to make it around the neighborhood without dizziness or my legs going out on me.  My heart rate was under control and I only got a bit winded.  I'll take that as a success!  As for the dreaded methotrexate-induced mucositis, I feel it coming....  It's certainly already in my nose, throat, and GI track but is just starting in my mouth.  I am tender and sore but no open ulcers yet.  In fact, Joe brought in (spicy) Thai for dinner last night as a real treat to enjoy before the sores really set in and I am back on my smoothie and frozen yogurt diet  :)   An odd and new-for-me sensation is some difficulty swallowing.  Even water seems to meet an obstruction and can cause me to cough.  It's certainly not at the point that I would term it "dysphagia" but I am aware of the issue.  I am going slow, small, and steady - making sure not to aspirate anything - and will discuss this new sensation when I'm next with my medical team ... tomorrow!

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