Saturday, August 18, 2012

Already Tracking a (Mild) Temperature

Saturday - August 18, 2012

HOME!  I believe I have been sleeping since I entered the door last night (hounds snuggled up close next to my hips).  My hour's crash on the couch did not adversely impact a nine-hour evening slumber.  It was absolute bliss being back in my own quiet bed with Joe and dogs snoring alongside.  Yet, I am awake now and still dragging with fatigue.  I must be tired  :)  BUT my agenda is to rest and heal so ... a little tiredness will certainly not interrupt that goal!

Last night did bring a bit of a fever panic as I got into bed.  99.4?  How did that happen?  Would it go up during sleep?   Would it meet the 100.4 "get-to-the-ER-NOW!" marker while I was passed out with hospital-induced fatigue?  Despite craving rest, I was no longer sanguine about the prospect of sleep.  Instead, I stayed up longer to get a follow-up reading (99.2) and then finally (and worriedly) gave in to deep physical weariness.  When I awoke during the night, my temperature was 99 and I was able to relax a bit more.  This morning?  Down to 98.2.  Phew  :)

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