Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Neutropenic Weekend

Saturday - August 4, 2012

An expression of sibling love
While yesterday was a bit of a sleepy, napping day, one word DID make an impression through my fatigue-induced fog.  Kevin, my nurse practitioner deemed me - once again - neutropenic.  My white blood cell count is 0.4.  Not my lowest by any means (I have been at <0.0 "untraceable") but still low ... low ... low.  At this nadir, I am vulnerable to infections.   Of course, I am exceedingly aware that I have been re-hospitalized twice due to such infections:  seven total extra nights in the hospital due first to an ear infection and then, more alarmingly, an E.coli infection.  I am already on a schedule to be in the hospital for 27 nights under this in-patient Hyper CVAD chemo protocol, am contemplating a month plus in a Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, and do NOT want any extra hospital time due to extraneous infections.  Let's just say that I plan a VERY quiet, self-isolating weekend where I hunker down to avoid germs and monitor my temperature very carefully.  If Monday's upcoming bloodwork at VCU signals that the Neulasta shot has finally kicked in and stimulated some neutrophils, then I can loosen the reins.... maybe.  I really do not want to return to the hospital until my scheduled admission on August 14.

My plan to fend off cabin fever includes tackling a large backlog in my correspondence as well as some sewing projects.  Earlier in the week, despite my finger neuropathy, I got back on the sewing machine to help Megan with the "Tech-a-cotta Warrior" gift she created for Jonathan.  Hands-on work seems to ease my mind and to satisfy my need to do something.

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