Monday, August 6, 2012

Moonlight Chores (and Lunch with Jonathan!)

Monday - August 6, 2012

So when the moonlight is streaming brightly through the living room windows as I bite the bullet and come downstairs, it signals my earliest steroids-induced rise-time yet: 1:40 a.m.  I was NOT pleased to be up so early.  What happened?  No naps yesterday and a 9:40 bedtime crash are obvious culprits to be avoided in the future.  I will also move my steroids earlier in the day.  Tomorrow's goal?  Back to my 4 a.m. normal wake-up would be fine  :)   On the upside, just now I was able to take advantage of this found time in the lovely moonlight with a strong surge of physical energy.  Mini-chores that eluded me during the sunshine somehow got done in these wee hours so I am feeling some sense of accomplishment.  Laundry, dishes, garbage, restoring the living room to its pre-back spasms state ... small steps.

Today's bloodwork check at Dalton will bring a special treat;  Jonathan will pick me up in Richmond and drive me back to Williamsburg.  After dropping me at VCU, Joe can get back to his regular work schedule and depend on Jonathan for the return trip!  What a welcome surprise!  Jonathan has a short interlude between his month of Orientation Leader work in Blacksburg followed by his volunteering at the ATP tennis tournament in DC and his upcoming obligations at his fraternity and Hokie Camp at Virginia Tech.  We are lucky to claim as much or as little of Jonathan's time as possible and I am particularly happy to see him at home rather than during a hospital week.  Home time is always more relaxed and offers more options for everyone.


Released without transfusions of any kind!  Hip, hip hooray for a 4.4 white blood cell count!  It rescued me from a platelet infusion that was exactly the same as Friday's number (28).  Jonathan arrived (!) and drove me back to Arlington where we celebrated with a DoG Street Pub lunch before returning home to rest and Olympic Live Streaming (Track and Field).  I am dragging with fatigue and will certainly go down for a quick nap in order to try to re-set my evening sleep pattern.  Here's hoping!

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