Sunday, August 26, 2012

Can't Shake this Temperature

Sunday - August 26, 2012

Another calm, rainy morning in the outside world
Despite negative blood cultures (to date) and steady infusions of IV antibiotics, I simply cannot eradicate this low grade fever.  I am steadily hovering in the mid 99s (37.5) and yesterday spiked up to 101 (38.3) at one point.  From my early morning discussion with the resident, it does NOT look like I will be going home anytime today.  The understandable concern is that if my fever is not responding to the IV infusion of cefepime, then the less potent antibiotics I would use in a home setting might be even less effective in controlling my fever and its underlying cause and I would end up back in the hospital, sicker than now.  My platelets and hemoglobin have rebounded somewhat after 2 units of blood yesterday.  My lovely neutrophils remain elusive and precious - barely existent;  I remain "profoundly neutropenic."  My discharge goal is tomorrow.  In the interim, I am accepting another quiet, rather isolated day and just rolling with it ....

Yesterday was cheered greatly by an unexpected and oh-so-welcome phone call from Kim (!), newsy check-ins from my remarkable children who shared details of their full and exciting lives in California and Blacksburg, calls from all of my wonderful sisters, and a terrific visit from my intrepid Joe who hauled in a sandwich and smoothie to supplement my hospital meals and then emerged victorious from a fierce Scrabble contest (rematch needed today).  Sally also orchestrated a lovely visit from an energetic and pleasant friend who was visiting her father here at VCU, a very nice surprise.  Being admitted to VCU meant that I was bitterly disappointed to miss connecting with Kelly who was dropping Beni off for her freshman year at W&M.  At least we exchanged some texts and certainly have the expectation of meeting up again soon. 

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