Monday, August 20, 2012

Not feeling quite right ...

Monday - August 20, 2012

What an odd series of days since my hospital discharge.  My temperature has been up every late afternoon and evening.  Yesterday I hit 100 degrees on a number of readings which scared the pants off of me.  I simply have not felt that stable.  Just a little off.  Something not quite right.

This morning brought two big surprises in our (successful) quest for that precious Neulasta shot.  First, the mucositis has taken forceful hold of my mouth and eating is very, very difficult.  Swallowing also remains a (sore) challenge, a discomfort related to the mucositis.  Second, in checking my vitals at Dalton, my pulse was at a new-for-me high of 137.  I was quickly called back for follow-up.  In testing while lying, sitting, and standing my pulse hit 153.  Beeps, lights, and alarms (literally) sounded.  Solution?  Well ... a solution!  I had a 90 minute saline infusion and my pulse came down to 106 before I was released. Unfortunately, with all this unanticipated intervention, Joe was late to a work obligation.  This treatment is all-consuming.  My life is definitely in some kind of suspended state but Joe soldiers on, balancing all of the travel, house chores, and care against his (overly) full work schedule.  It isn't easy ... I am so grateful.

The plan for today is to rest, hydrate, and to try to get in some calories. 


Kim said...

How did you do with the yogurt smoothies?

Unknown said...

Yogurt smoothie and scrambled eggs have done the trick! I powered through a banana, some toast, and even some carrot cake but am not sure it was worth the pain. The latter are off the menu until my mouth starts to rebound!

Kim said...

I cannot even imagine trying to eat toast with mouth sores! You are doing such a fabulous job. Keep up the great work!
Hugs to you....Kim