Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's the Small Things ...

Thursday - August 30, 2012

Time to rest up
... that add to the sense of normalcy and calm.  Small things that really can only be achieved at home by the way.  Today my rebounding health has already allowed me to use the electric toothbrush (my mucositis has almost resolved), WALK THE DOGS on my own without fear that fatigue would strand me (or worse, cause me to fall) somewhere in the neighborhood, and even begin to sort through the huge looming pile of mail (weeks worth).

No medical appointments today.  My plan is to continue to rest up, re-energize, and stay away from germs.  And to get through the mail!


Kim said...

Ah those sweet animals. What would we do without them? They are full of undying love and endless compassion. They just seem to know what we need.

Have a great day, Christine!

Kim :)

Unknown said...

These pups are keeping me smiling and happy, Kim. And the cat? Well, he's keeping me amused!

Thinking of you (with a twinge of jealousy!) in beautiful Colorado!

Much love!

Kim said...

By the way, I am assuming that since I have not received a phone call, I don't qualify as one of the 3 possible matches for you. I'm sorry. I'd be there in a heartbeat if it would help you.

Kim :)

Unknown said...

You are indeed one in 9.8 million, Kim, just not MY one in 9.8 million :) We are matched in many other, deeper ways, my friend.

Kim said... are so kind, Chrissy. Indeed we are a match, whether we are matched mischief makers at McDonalds or a pair of pie partakers at Friendly's!!!

Rest well, dear one.