Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nearly Normal

Tuesday - July 31, 2012

Yesterday and today feel nearly normal.  Perhaps this normal is a good version of my re-calibrated / lymphoma "new normal" but maybe this feeling has a taste of my old pre-December "normal" when energy and ability seemed without strict bounds.  Yes, I'm still strengthening and working around this recent (surprise) ridiculous lower back issue but other than that?  I am sleeping VERY well and fatigue is virtually nonexistent relative to what I experienced after my first odd round of Hyper CVAD.  Bottom line:  I have energy and am thrilled to be enjoying time with Megan.  Splendid, happy days with my beautiful girl!  We even managed to have a little outing yesterday with some belated birthday shopping for Megan and a lunch.  Oh, and who drove?  That would be me  :)   Just a normal thing to do....


Sewing projects, livestreaming REAL Olympics coverage (that shows some non-Americans, standings, and real-time results), "Idiot Abroad," lunch out with my girl, and then a round trip drive to Richmond to get Megan aboard a Skinny Dog to Washington DC.  A full, happy day.  Now, time to rest!  Normal, normal, normal ....

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