Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Celebrating a Birthday, an Anniversary, a Holiday, and Health!

Wednesday - July 4, 2012

Comfort and cuddles are key to healing
Before celebrating a host of events today, I pause in the blackness of the morning, turn on the glow of my multiple screens, and take stock....  First:  where and how are the kids?  Hurrah!  Jonathan has just emerged from his VA Tech Orientation Leadership "wilderness training" and been tagged on Facebook.  He is smiling, happy, and surrounded by friends.  Check.  While Megan is not online as she finishes her day, I know that she is ending her studies and approaching dinner time in Beijing.  She is midway through another strong week of studying, blogging, and exploring the city with her boyfriend.  Check.  Joe, dogs, sisters, nieces, and nephews are all snoozing away upstairs, resting up for another day of summer fun here on camp.  Check.  Dusk must still be stalking wildlife outside; he has yet to come inside squawking for his morning treat.  Check.

And now my physical once-over:  Sleep?  6 hours (!)   Mouth sores?  Impressively present, highly intrusive, but a small price to pay!  Finger-tinging neuropathy?  Oh yeah!  Don't enter me in any button-closing contests!  Large muscle function?  Definitely improved but nowhere near normal.  Scarring?  Gosh, I am still in shock about all the incisions, particularly from May 2's lymph node harvesting / bladder "nick" surgery.  What a sight.  I remain REALLY messed up.  Upside?  Perfect excuse to avoid a bikini  :)  Any other chemo symptoms?  No sirree!  Any lymphoma symptoms that I bulldozed through from Dec. 28 to May 16+?  NONE!!!!  I can see with both eyes and I am headache-free!  Sounds like I am feeling just fine :)

As for our day of celebrations.... our sweet Baxter turns 10 years old, Carolyn and Dan celebrate their 20th anniversary, and we have multiple options for Fourth of July fireworks.  I anticipate loving company, good activities, and maybe a bowl (or two) of frozen yogurt!

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