Saturday, July 14, 2012

"Absolute silence leads to sadness."

Saturday - July 14, 2012

And the house suddenly feels quite still ....  Joe and I are all alone in a house that is far too empty....

The Alzamoras met their 8 a.m. departure goal: trunk packed, bikes strapped onto the back of Carolyn's Subaru, various electronics, NPR podcasts, and music selections ready to go for their long 3 day drive back to Colorado.  Danny flew in last night to make the drive back home with Carolyn and the kids.  Last night Sally and Rachel came up from Hampton Roads to join us for dinner and to say farewell but it was this morning in the driveway, hugging tightly, that farewells were truly made.  What a gift these past 7 weeks have been!  I am truly a fortunate woman to have Carolyn share her energy, smarts, time, and love with me!  This morning's tears will not dry quickly....

Today is also a bit of a melancholy anniversary.  This time last year, not only were we enjoying a phenomenal sojourn at Lake Tahoe, but it was the day when I received that oh-so-welcome-I-have-waited-so-long-to-get-in-the-classroom job offer from WJCC!  Joe rushed up the stairs to give me a huge hug when he heard the news; we were all so very pleased.  A new beginning that had been well anticipated by the entire family.  Now, having had to resign from my position to focus on my health, I am certainly not at any "beginning."  While I'm determined that I am not at an "end" point, "pause" doesn't feel that great either.

So, a weird day -- a potentially blue day.  The best defense is a good offense, isn't that the way it goes?   I am pre-emptively embarking on some long overdue projects with the intention of infusing myself with a sense of productivity and thus combat any potential pity party.  It helps that I am coming off another solid 8 hours sleep and have an energy surge.  Remember, this week was penciled in as a "good week" and my stamina SHOULD be better.  I intend to take full advantage!  Perhaps a date with Joe out to a DoG Street restaurantFat Canary anyone?

But even the best meal with the best of company will not keep my heart from aching for my sister.

A 20 year (and counting) tradition!

  • Skype with beautiful brainy daughter in China?  Check.  
  • Long phone call with sweet gonzo-volunteer son in Blacksburg?  Check.  
  • Checkbook balanced?  Check (always a huge thrill for this numbers nerd).  
  • Amazon sales (kids' textbooks) packed and ready for media mail?  Check.  
  • Laundry started?  Check.  
  • Family calendars (finally) completed and ready to mail?  Check.  
  • Lunch date discussed with willing husband and preparations made for imminent departure?  Check.

Bull grabbed by horns?  Check.

Pity party averted?  Check!

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