Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pre-noon Bust-Out?

Saturday - July 28, 2012

Olympic viewing before bed
You know....  some days just do not go your way.....  I am now officially rebooting.....
I have been in a computer-induced RAGE for a couple of hours now which has now been topped off by a crash and a full delete of this morning's post.  Irretrievable.  Gone.

Ah, well.  Perhaps it's a cosmic message for me to focus on the positives and shrug off the previously posted raves about grammar.  I shall take advantage of this clean slate and recap the positives.

Megan's crashpad on the couch
  • Good sleep!  Megan crashed on the hospital couch and I didn't wish to disturb her so I stayed in bed and dozed.
  • I should get out into the fresh air by noon!  Hurrah!
  • My steroids-induced puffy face and leg edema remain manageable.  Heartrate is going up (as expected with this chemo round) but I am not lightheaded.
  • The internet allows you to feel companionship with other grammar police.  I'm not the only one who reacts to "your v you're" and "too v to" - good to know.


NOTE TO SELF:  It is NOT summer time in the hospital; it is NOT spring time in the hospital.  It is COOL in the hospital.  I need to forget my capris at home and remember to wear long pants and socks.  My feet get cold every day and I end up wrapping my lower legs in towels, sweaters, or blankets as I elevate them to contain the edema.  This look is ridiculous and is not terribly effective.  Next go-bag?  Autumn-focused long pants and some cozy socks.  Gotta remember!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I would like to add that the Young Family are (yes, 'are' is ticket here) charter members of the Grammar Police Department. We have found the US branch to be part of an international society. It's always fun to associate with our fellow officers. Please make us aware of any and all tickets. We earn our pay in daily chuckles!