Friday, July 13, 2012

Ten Terrific Hours on a Tempurpedic!

Friday - July 13, 2012

SLEEP!  The best in at least a month!  Puppies burrowed in, Joe snoozing alongside, FAB mattress that I appreciate every night, and the sounds of insects singing outside the window -- bliss, bliss, bliss!

Sadie's "Belly Belly" welcomes me home
My port remains accessed during this 5 day interlude between hospital stays as I am on a regimen of IV antibiotics to combat my E. coli and sepsis.  Luckily for those of us who have a port (yes, I seem to be reaching some kind of truce with my implant), I will enjoy the relative convenience of my sensation-free, manageable, out-of-the-way port rather than an arm IV.  A home health aide will come this afternoon to tutor me through the process.  Given the number of times I have seen an IV hooked up to my port access, I think it will be a snap! And yes there is an intentional pun in "snap" - it's one of the sounds of success in accessing the port.

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