Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bring on the Frozen Yogurt!

Tuesday - July 3, 2012

First light ....

Sleep happily ambushed me last night. I was able to overcome a deep late afternoon nap to indulge in six and a half hours of restful, restorative slumber.  This morning I may be up well before dawn (again) but I am feeling less frazzled and wired with fatigue than in recent weeks.  As for my mouth, my first awareness is that I am not in horrific pain when swallowing and that I have more range of motion when trying to open my jaw to talk, to eat ....  Still, today will probably be another soft diet day:  milkshakes, smoothies, frozen yogurt, soup....   And LOTS of water!

Daniel's 11th birthday cake!  Baked by Carter and Abby :)
For a goal-oriented, project-focused person, I am finding these amorphous deadline-free, no-obligation days to be ... confusing.  I have lost track of days, dates, and time sequences.  On the UP side, I am certainly revelling in taking things as they come -- enjoying the nieces and nephews as they traverse the living room (from the pool, from bike rides, from those oh-so-intoxicating iPod / iPad / computer / HDTV screens, from just hanging out), indulging in the frozen yogurt treats Joe offers up from his hunting-and-gathering trips in town, and appreciating how MUCH Carolyn is doing to keep this household fed, engaged, and happy.

My lymphoma has indeed offered up a solid silver lining in bringing us all together this summer.  The cousins have never spent so much time in each other's company and now have sultry Tidewater days to hang out, chat, and connect.  And I have not spent so much time with Carolyn since ... high school?  Well even then, the schedules and interests of 18 and 13 year olds are disparate.  This summer might just be the longest span that we have been together.  What a gift!  I so admire my sister Carolyn - as a parent, person, and contributor to her community.  She is smart, funny, hard-working, and a high-energy kick-in-the-ass!  I am so lucky and loved that she has spent her summer helping me.  I need it!


Dinner! (adults only)
Frozen yogurt (twice!), Carolyn's delicious watermelon juice, Greek yogurt, and na'an.... such were my meals for the day!  My mouth can't handle much more!  Today was better than yesterday mouthwise and here's hoping that tomorrow is even better than today!  Small steps....

The four cousins spent the day on their own at Busch Gardens.   Apparently they went on more than 20 rides and had no more than a 10 minute wait.  Sounds like an ideal summer day  :)  Now they are cackling (!) away and analyzing strategies on "Wipeout."  I am highly entertained!

Extra bonus!  Sally has driven up for a sleepover and visit so ... all four sisters are together for the evening! 

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