Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Insomnia is almost an oasis ...". + Late Afternoon Hospital Admission

Saturday - July 7, 2012

" ... in which those who have to think or suffer darkly take refuge."   Provocative thought ... as I rise once again before 4 a.m....  I find these early mornings to be centering and bright rather than suffering and dark but occasionally reality does intrude.  Today I am debating whether I should shift my use of the term "mouth sores" to "mouth ulcers" to convey their severity.  Yikes, this chemo round has sidelined my mouth once again and has also affected my nose, throat, and rest of my GI track.  The upside is that I am becomng a bit of a connoisseur of local frozen yogurt shops   :)  It's funny that I personally have walked through VERY few of these doors and yet have consumed so MUCH of their wares!  And why do vanilla and chocolate soothe my mouth more than raspberry and strawberry?  So many questions to be researched ....
A LOT of target practice has gone on this week!

Given the continued heatwave and my neutropenia, I envision a quiet day in the cool of the house, enjoying the children's comings and goings.  Current favorite activities include BB shooting practice (Daniel and Casey) and pooltime and scads of make-up (Carter and Abigail).  Might Busch Gardens be on the girls' schedule again tonight?


2:40 update:  After an enervating afternoon, for some unknown reason, I just took my temperature  ---  OOPS!  ---  100.9!  And what's my first instinct from the woman who does NOT want to be readmitted to the hospital?  I double-checked against another thermometer and confirmed a neutropenic fever.  RATS!!!  I am awaiting a return phone call from the on-call oncologist.  Joe and Carolyn are prepping my go-bag.  RATS!

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