Monday, July 9, 2012

Scrabble Before Sunrise

Monday - July 9, 2012

Mr. Cow reminds me of safety measures
"Scrabble Before Sunrise" sounds like a Magic Tree House title, yes?  Well, Jack and Annie were not around this morning when I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 3:50.  While another early morning is the price I paid for those lovely Sunday naps, I have been well-occupied playing Scrabble against myself on the iPad, doing NYT crosswords in Jonathan's birthday-gifted-books, and listening to yesterday's NPR broadcasts.

On the medical front, my temperature, pulse, and blood pressure are well within normal range overnight; LOVE that 97.6 temperature!  However, my ankles have disappeared with some edema (no pitting) and I am "legs up" as a self-imposed countermeasure.

The sun is finally up and I see clouds and mist and the promise of cooler temperatures for all who are lucky enough to go outside.  I remain somewhat (and perhaps foolishly) hopeful that today might be discharge day!  My temp is down and oral antibiotics are certainly available.  Why not?


Just met with the oncologist and he thinks I will be discharged ... tomorrow.  Ah well.


Joseph has arrived, bringing my nerdy heart's desire:  binder and sheet protectors  :)   My bloodwork and discharge instructions are all well-organized and I am now trying to read the tea leaves of my previous two Neulasta-bolstered white blood cell rebounds to determine when I might rebound this time.  It seems that I am running a bit late.

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