Sunday, July 15, 2012

Heparin (and more) at Home

Sunday - July 15, 2012

My sleep pattern has been restored, mucositis has dissipated, energy and large muscle groups have rebounded, and I am THRILLED to breathe fresh air and feel a breeze on my face.  Walking the dogs around the circle in front of the house feels like an epic accomplishment!  Yesterday was a magical interlude where my energy surge met a nadir of chemo side effects.  It couldn't have come on a better day as the house emptied out and I reflected on "what could have been" in terms of classroom teaching work, our move to San Francisco, and - of course, despite the use of the word "curable" when medical professionals discuss  my diffuse large b-cell lymphoma - mortality.  Ah well, another great night's sleep makes EVERYTHING better!  Bravo for sleep!  I have been utterly and deeply exhausted ....

As was the case just before my last "odd" Hyper-CVAD admission (my round #2 of 6), neuropathy in my feet has grown over the last two days.  When this pain first surfaced in late May, I thought that I had bruised the bottom of my feet, as if I had hiked long and hard in unpadded street shoes.  When the pain shifted suddenly from heel to ball, I realized that I wasn't bruised or footsore but simply healing /combating lymphoma / feeling the Neulasta kick in and stimulate the growth of my precious bone marrow.  Now I am at the hobbling stage and will probably have my feet up for most of the day.  I am not graceful!

Infusing my IV antibiotic at home has been smooth.  I seem to have made some degree of peace with my port and, even with my perpetual neuropathy in my fingertips, I have enough dexterity to manage the aligning and screwing of all the tubing. The rhythm of the infusion itself is familiar after all of the fine modeling by the dozens of RNs who have cleaned and cleared my tubing in preparation for an infusion or a push.  Skills I never thought I would need or develop!

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