Monday, December 10, 2012

Oops! Overdid It ....

Monday - December 10, 2012

Well, perhaps I am feeling so good that I forget that I am still building up strength, fighting back to health, restoring my energy.  Dr. Perkins was very clear on Friday that my blood counts are good "considering" ... but not normal.  "Considering" carries great weight and I may be too quick to shrug off that "considering."  Today those low blood counts caught up to me as I walked with the hounds to the river.  Boom - I hit the wall; no more energy AT ALL.  My pulse was fine but I had little strength to continue the long walk home.  That long simmering fear of public stumbling / falling / explicit weakness was smack in front of me.  I considered phoning Joe but knowing that he had biked to work as usual, I wasn't quite sure what we would do.  So I waited it out, sitting on a bench overlooking the wide expanse of the gorgeous York, trying to figure out when I could make the effort to walk home without completely giving out.  Our usual 40 minute walk took more than twice that time.  The dogs were thrilled with their license to sniff every leaf at will; I was in no rush.  Getting home, I crashed on the couch and slept away the fatigue.  Lesson learned?  A morning of baking and housework didn't seem that onerous but I confess that I was utterly wrong.  At least for today :)

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