Monday, December 31, 2012

"Fare Thee Well" 2012

Sunset over the creek.  Adios 2012!
Monday - December 31, 2012

Well, here's hoping that 2013 is less eventful (and harrowing) than 2012!  Perhaps in the future, this rollercoaster of a year will be a mere blip - a brief aberration - in a long continuum of family contentment and work fulfillment.  With that cheery vision in mind, I am looking forward to 2013 being a year when Joe and I effect our summer transfer to San Francisco, I get back to teaching, the children continue their studies without the heavy stress and distraction of a sick parent, and we all travel ~ visit ~ explore ~ discover ~ learn ~ share ~ cuddle ~ laugh ~ love with family and friends.  Now that would be a wonderful year!

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