Sunday, December 23, 2012

All Set for the Holidays (with one Exception)

Sunday - December 23, 2012
Dusk, our cantankerous cat of 10 1/2 years, in 2009

After a low-key and happy visit with Maureen in Pennsylvania, we are back in Williamsburg enjoying our holiday preparations (and - to Megan's chagrin - a full slate of Sunday football).  The Christmas decorations and tree are UP, the menus are SET for the next few days, and we are all settled in for a relaxing holiday together.

On a very sad note, Dusk has gone missing and we now fear the worst.  He has loved prowling about the periphery of the house and into the nearby woods since we moved south and we think that he may have finally met a predator that he couldn't best.  Perhaps Dusk will appear on our doorstep as a Christmas surprise? 

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