Friday, December 14, 2012

Connecticut and Schools: 2 Happy Places

Friday - December 14, 2012

A '70s glimpse of a little corner of Connecticut
Perspective can slam you into the wall, taking your breath away with the icy realization that while circumstances might be daunting inside one's own microcosm of living, sorrow abounds around us.  It's often just hiding, sheltered from the buffeting of public exposure, safe from public explanation, held close within the confines of our private heart and thoughts.  As Megan recently wrote: "People don't deal with grief and deal with life separately; it's all integrated together. Sad people don't flee to an isolation chamber before standing behind you in line at the supermarket or talking to you on the phone."  In my first presentation to new parents at Rock Spring's Fall Membership Meeting, I always tried to reflect on the fact that we only ever know one "slice of the pie" in our fellow parents' lives, only the persona that has been chosen to be presented to the outside world.  We never know the private concerns that are shielded from our view and understanding.  Tragedy comes in myriad forms.  Chronic illness withers.  Constant pain wears and tears.  Death springs upon us unsuspecting.  Brain cyst.  Aortic aneurysm.  Cancer.  Suicide.  Premature birth.  Random mass shooting.  In sleepy Connecticut.  In the safe hallways of an elementary school.  Our hearts are full.  Our prayers are plentiful and strong.

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