Tuesday, December 18, 2012

4 out of 4 = Vacation (and a New Schedule) Begins!

Jonathan is back safe-and-sound from Blacksburg and our winter break is therefore officially underway!  Our first highlight is a long-anticipated visit to see Joe's mother tomorrow.  With today's report of a clear PET scan and lower liver enzymes, I am ready to rest and relax with children, spouse, hounds, and my "A number 1" best-ever mother-in-law!  I haven't see Maureen in a long 18 months - far too much time ....

This trip into a no-internet zone is an opportune moment to shift gears on my blogging schedule.  This blog has been wonderful in helping me keep straight the details of my treatment and side effects and in coordinating my communications. In fact, I have begun to fill in the back story to clear up the muddle in my head.  But it started as a daily update to loop in the children (who are now home) about changes in my medical condition (which is now - thankfully - static)!   I am going to step back from my daily entries and go to a less frequent routine, perhaps updating once a week unless (and let's hope NOT) my health takes another turn.  After all, as of now, I don't have much to report any more ... and isn't that fact an amazing and beautiful gift?  Oh, yes! 

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