Thursday, December 6, 2012

Back in Third Grade

Thursday - December 6, 2012

I am generally someone who reflects and reevaluates again and again and again - perhaps a strong suit, perhaps a character flaw, it's just the way I work.  With my cancer diagnosis spurring even more reflection, I have found incredible calm and positivity in how content I am, how happy our choices have been, how fortunate our circumstances have proven to be.  Our time in Williamsburg was spurred in part by my desire to return to school and to get that long-desired teaching license, my entree to a return to a classroom.  And so I reflect on that stimulating and expansive William & Mary education complemented by my phenomenal student teaching experience at Matoaka ... and I feel incredibly lucky.  Lucky in the people, lucky in these two communities of professionals, lucky to have Joe supporting me as I took time out of the workforce and retrained.  This afternoon I was so very excited to get back into the happy environs of my student teaching classroom - and they were tackling European Exploration - one of my favorite topics!  Another opportunity for me to reflect and to feel happy and content.  I am very fortunate.

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