Friday, December 28, 2012

One Year

Friday - December 28, 2012

Given that I have always seemed to note and mark time (counting down as well as counting back), today is certainly a red-letter day.  It's definitely not a celebration but more of a commemoration ...  ONE YEAR since I was "struck down" by a migraine on Grand Cayman.  The pain was truly a bit mythic in origin, strength, and ultimately in scope since it heralded a life-changing health odyssey and eviscerated any trust I once had in my body.  So I have been watching December 28 on the calendar and thinking ONE YEAR -  more in the Pearl Harbor Day sense than in an anniversary slant.  Perhaps we will mark today with a Dec. 28 Italian dinner similar to last year's fabulous meal notable for the delicious food as well as my introduction of the posture I would have for months, pressing hard upon the left side of my head looking for relief; the rubbing and the scratching would come later....  This year we are happily all together once more, joined by Megan's boyfriend, Chris.  The Caribbean venue will be recreated next week (see, I'm counting down again - just part of my make-up) withOUT last year's pain - that harbinger of cancer ....

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