Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Clear Scan is the Greatest Salve

Tuesday - December 18, 2012

You gotta love an oncologist who delivers good news before closing the consultation room door!  My PET scan is completely clear: only half a page long because there was so little to report.  No abnormalities.  No uptakes.  All clear.  Next appointments on Feb. 13 ....  Yeehaw!

Dalton is packed today and Joe and I are more than three hours from departure - at least! 


I had a long Rituxan infusion in the shared treatment room.  As a rare treat, the television was OFF and a modicum of peace was at hand.  Many familiar faces were around me - familiar RNs, familiar patients.  The woman next to me had a severe reaction to her chemo and was vomiting non-stop for over an hour; no medication relieved the nausea.  She remained upbeat and focused on working through the possible medication cocktails with the team.  Again, perspective, prayers, and good wishes.


Kim said...

Merry Christmas, Christine! What a gift.

Love you,

Unknown said...

The best gift EVER! Hoping I can ratchet back the nerves and relax, relax, relax ...