Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Month, New Rhythm

Saturday - December 1, 2012

Keeping busy ....
Life feels settled these days.  Perhaps not yet normal  - after all I am not working and am still more focused on "now" than "later" - but settled.  Aside from the recent mysteries posed by my liver enzymes, my body seems to be responding and reacting in a recognizable pre-cancer, pre-chemo manner.  I can walk up stairs without risking a 150 bpm heart rate, trust my legs not to fatigue (or give out) when I walk the hounds, and know that migraines and double vision have been exorcised by the poisoned wonders of chemotherapy.  The third set of tree rings in my nails have almost grown out.  My eye dryness has receded to the extent that I am contemplating discarding my glasses and returning to contacts.  My eyebrows are practically back to normal and my eyelashes are in.  And most markedly, my fuzzy head gets hairier every day - keeping me warm, partially disguising the stamp of illness that is currently kicked to the curb, hinting at the dreaded menace that may still return.

Joe is working all day today and into tonight.  The hounds are keeping me company and are on full alert for the deer who are venturing even closer than normal to the house (read:  lots of barking and indignation).  They are currently collapsed in exhaustion in front of the fire.  Guarding us against deer is a full time responsibility.

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