Thursday, May 24, 2012

Slumbering away....

Thursday - May 24, 2012

Who knew it was possible to sleep so much?  I am going with the flow, listening to my body, and slumbering away.  The dogs can't believe their luck!  They snuggle into me for the duration, occasionally rousing me with a brief kiss before cuddling back up.

I remain extremely protective of my port a cath.  Truth be told, it still makes me a tad squeamish.  I have yet to return to my regular sleep position on my belly and remain on my back in order to prevent any jarring.  The bruising from the port is epic but the wound itself is covered in steri strips.  I was admonished repeatedly to leave the strips be and not take them off.  No worries on that front!  I am hands off the port!

No nausea at all so far.  My mouth sores seem to have plateaued.  Fingers crossed as I head into my "rough days."  Tomorrow Joe and I return to VCU to meet with my head oncologist.  I'll ask about the fatigue.

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