Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Let's Check those Neutrophils

Tuesday - May 29, 2012

This morning, Megan and I are headed to Richmond for a blood draw and check of my vitals.  Yesterday afternoon, I was concerned that rather severe earaches coupled with the pervasive mouth sores met the "call the attending oncologist" checklist.  An evening check of the thermometer showed a temperature of 100.2 and of course then we started to worry:  +100.4 signals an immediate return to the hospital.  So of course for the last bit before bed, we began to obsessively recheck my temp and found it to be hovering around 100.  A good night's sleep has returned my temp to normal but I will certainly find some comfort in having a full check of my vitals (and mouth and ears) at the clinic this morning.  AND depending on my blood levels, I hope to be able to return to school for a visit this week!


A little too tired for an update so I'll pull from an email from Megan and my last Facebook entry.  Bottom line is that I have been readmitted to the hospital for an indefinite period, that is, until my white blood cells have a chance of fighting off infection:

(Megan here.  We left the clinic with no fever and no discomfort, but Mom had a temp of 100.9 this evening. That's above the point where we're supposed to come back to the hospital. Her neutrophils are also apparently close to zero. The nurses said they would still have sent us home knowing the numbers; it's the fever that needs to be treated.

The nurse just checked in and, yet again, was not overly concerned or panicked. They're going to take some blood and give her some antibiotics according to protocol. I think this is just part of it.

Hopefully mom can get some attention for her aching ears soon and then we'll all get some rest. I'm staying with her here and Dad is going home with the dogs (after watching some basketball of course).

Oh!  The nurse just took her temp and its down to 99. That may be due to the smoothie and Popsicle she had coming over here, but I think it's not bad news, right?)

Back in the hospital.... having been termed "profoundly neutropenic" by my oncologist when I called in with a 100.9 temp followed by her checking my labs from this morning. Rats! BUT very excited to have Megan camping out with me and rather nerdily excited that I am back in my old room (#144 or 12 squared = one gross). It looks like I may be at VCU for a few days....

1 comment:

Kim said...

Go neutrophils, go! Yeah Megan for being Mom's great helper.