Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sleepy Days ...

Wednesday - May 23, 2012

Sleepy, sleepy days....  I have managed to rouse myself for some quick, basic chores (shower, food, one load of laundry) but otherwise have given into the call of the couch.  The shower is always a shock.  I take stock of all the bruising, stitching, and scars that have appeared in less than a month and draw a deep breath.  I can't quite believe it.  However, each of these wounds represents a step toward healing and therefore I am grateful.  Still, it's a surprise!

My big plan for the day was to drive out and get a prescription. I wised up when I realized I was feeling sleepy AND dizzy.  Forget it.  Joseph came home mid-morning and thankfully made the CVS run for me.

I also intend to read and respond to emails.  Perhaps after another nap  :)

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