Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Return to (a bit of) Normalcy

Saturday - May 26, 2012

Forget the fatigue and the mouth sores, today felt more normal than any day since I went in for that should-be-easy-oops-bladder-got-nicked (but it was all in a good cause) surgery on May 2!  Joe, Jonathan, and I ventured out into public for an outing.  First we enjoyed a quick breakfast with me retreating to a corner to protect my neutrophils by staying away from all human contact.  Joseph is probably more alert / worried than I am and suggested (after we finished eating) that we should have disinfected the table before sitting down.  Oh my, is this the laid-back Ammirati family?  Apparently, it is :)  Second stop was a brief run-into-the-store shopping expedition to get Jonathan some clothing for an upcoming job.  Again, I avoided people, touched very little, and retreated home when my energy flagged.  Hopefully unscathed.
Baxter taking a rest after protecting us from the Rug Dr.

I confess that I have not done one lick of housework outside of the kitchen since I fell ill in late December.  It is NOT a pretty picture but truth be told ... I simply do not care (that much).  However, there are limits to EVERY situation and today Joseph stepped up and tackled the most onerous chore of the house:  Rug Doctoring of the nasty carpets.  Everything looks and feels better.  Now if only I could get up the motivation to clean the bathrooms beyond a cursory swipe.  It HAS to happen sometime.

The BIGGEST news of the day is that my vision is indeed returning!  Hurrah!  I went without my patch for about 12 hours today.  How lovely to have some depth of field and to feel less  ... noticeable? ... when out in public!

P.S.  For the second night in a row, Jonathan has just prepared an amazing smoothie to ease my mouth sores and to bolster my nutrition.  Delicious!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Victory dear Friend. Time with the family...nothing is more precious. Hugs from Colorado!