Monday, May 28, 2012

Smoothies, Applesauce, and Frozen Yogurt

Monday - May 28, 2012

Well, I certainly did not realize the role of mouth sores as a side effect of chemotherapy ... until last week - OUCH!  My doctors explained it well basically saying:
Pita Pit's frozen yogurt does the trick!
"Chemotherapy and radiation — alone or combined — can cause mouth sores. That's because these cancer treatments are intended to kill rapidly growing cells — such as cancer cells. Some healthy cells in your body also divide and grow rapidly, including the cells that line the inside of your mouth. Unfortunately these healthy cells are also damaged by chemotherapy and radiation.  Cancer-related mouth sores are sores or ulcers that form on the inside lining of your mouth or on your lips. The mouth sores appear burn-like and can be painful, making it difficult to eat, talk, swallow and breathe. Sores can appear on any of the soft tissues of your lips or your mouth, including your gums, your tongue, or the roof and floor of your mouth. Sores can also extend into the tube (esophagus) that carries food to your stomach. "
So, I have opted to embrace the UPside of this decidedly uncomfortable new facet of treatment by looking at the sores as an indication that the chemo is indeed doing its job WELL!  And of course I now have license to eat smoothies, applesauce, and frozen yogurt in lieu of regular food  :)  Delicious soups and pastas have also passed the mouth comfort test so it's not all desserts!  Don't worry, Carolyn  :)  Swish and spit lidocaine is numbing my mouth when plain salt water just isn't enough.  The lidocaine is truly vile but it's worth it.

I felt well enough this morning to go out to meet Gina for some grits (G) and a smoothie (C).  Megan and Jonathan came along to enjoy a good breakfast and to spare me the exertion of taxing my vision with driving.  Last year's W&M graduation seems an eon away!  Gina is busy finishing up her teaching and prepping for next year and I - of course - am focusing on purging this invasive, unwelcome cancer.  Seeing Gina makes me happy to be staying in Williamsburg!

Meeting up with a wonderful classroom parent, one of my fantastic first graders, and her confident preschool sister enforces the realization that a move to San Fran would have left me unmoored, without a social and support system.  This cheery trio brought us a delicious soup dinner, many smiles, and even some first grade art!  Oh, I do miss my classroom friends!

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