Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunrise Start

Sunday - May 20, 2012

Steroids?  "Air-in-the-line" alarms?  Great comeback by OKC against the Lakers?  97 systolic at 3 am check that results in unfamiliar nurse (who does not know I am usually in low 100s) kindly asking me to sit up so she can re-do blood pressure?  Ah, no real matter ...  I have nothing but time and am not really complaining about the odd night of little sleep.  The big pay-off was a glorious red sunrise.  Now strong, happy sunshine through my large window has opened some more yellow day lilies on the windowsill.  A lovely way to start a day.

Dr. Sawyer came in before 7 (what time does she start?!) and reported that my first methotrexate blood level was 9 - certainly within normal and in striking distance of getting home in 2 days.  She is preparing my discharge orders today so when my blood is drawn at 2 pm and the methotrexate level is reported 2 hrs later, then I can be discharged even if she is not available.  Good news.


FINALLY!  A shower!  Amanda is my day nurse again today and she suggested unhooking me from the drip before I begin chemo (Cytarabine IV) again at 10 am.  Unencumbered, I enjoyed getting CLEAN.  I think I just stood under the hot water for ten minutes before getting down to work; I have a lot of tape adhesive to scrub and of course my hair is / was filthy.  I took in the sensation of running the shampoo and conditioner through my hair, wondering how many more times I will perform this lifelong ritual before it begins to fall out.  The hair loss could begin by the end of the week.  I think I'm ready.  Another shower musing was about the state of my poor battered body.  Not counting the spinal taps and the dozens of IVs and blood draws I have had over the last months, I count 7 separate intrusions on my body today.  bone marrow biopsy = 1, abdominal surgery = 4, and portacath = 2.  With permission to remove most bandages in the shower, I only have my port bandage left.

Joe just arrived with bagel and coffee!  The day officially begins!


First the great medical news!  My methotrexate level is already at 0.05 and I am guaranteed to go home tomorrow!  Hurrah :)   This means that my phenomenal kidneys (probably my FAVORITE organ today) have flushed out the chemo in 4 days and can most likely be expected to repeat this great feat for each of the next 5 cycles.  So I am now officially hopeful that the hospital stays will be 4 days.

AND I managed without my eyepatch for about 2 hours.  Feeling great!

Joe and I had a lovely morning together.  We aced the NYT Sunday Times crossword puzzle, played backgammon, and enjoyed a meal.  Joseph met up with Whit and Katherine Coggin as they arrived with a cheerful and colorful Get Well Soon sign, a yummy chocolate treat, and some great books!  Joe had met Whit in my classroom and despite Whit's spiffy summer buzzcut, we both recognized his wide smile.  We played backgammon and Make Ten Go Fish, splitting the wins.  My former professor, university supervisor, and friend Dr. McEachron visited later in the afternoon and we enjoyed a lovely conversation as the sun faded and evening fell.  How lucky I am to have crossed paths with Gail McEachron over the last few years.   I feel such a strong and genuine connection.  We could talk forever!

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