Friday, May 18, 2012

24 hours of Methotrexate

Friday - May 18, 2012

Well, today is officially Day #1 of cycle #1.  The anti- nausea drugs are in and the methotrexate infusion began at 2:10.  I'll be infused for 24 hours with this chemo drug.  Getting around with the tubes coming off my port is still a bit of a new adventure but I am managing well.

Finally managed to drag myself away from WordFlick to change clothes.  I had been hesitant to move my arm too much (the port insertion area hurts) and fiddle with the tubes but it worked out and voila! - I'm dressed!

Thank you, Methotrexate.

7:30 pm
Great dinner hour (without a great dinner)!
My wonderfully cheery student Kelsey, her mom, brother and grandma visited and then Joe arrived!  Date night!

1 comment:

Megan E. said...

I like the new pictures!