Monday, June 17, 2013

Storage vs Shipment - Delayed

Monday - June 17, 2013

Well, today is TRULY a real life example of "hurry up and wait."  It's been weeks of prep and a dedicated weekend of intense sorting and dividing our household goods into "storage / can't fit into our charming but small Sausalito flat" and "shipment / bare essentials for trimmed down California living."  After all, for this move, I cannot recreate the epic fail of my 2009 last car trip from Arlington when the Yuzawas came to the rescue and we hauled a full carload of extra stuff over to their basement to await a subsequent trip south (Yes, I was off by a factor of 2 in estimating how much was left to fit in the Jetta and YES, the Yuzawas are amazing friends!)

This time, we face the challenge of downsizing AND setting aside items for storage.  Closets are taped off and barricaded, a dog sanctuary is readied behind doors and gates where I will work and provide calm during pack-out, laundry is done, dishes are finished, car is crammed with more Goodwill donations, and we await the arrival of the first crew of packers.  And we wait.  And we call. And we wait, and call, and wait some more.  And then MANY hours after the packers are scheduled to arrive, we get the explanatory call:  a typo had us scheduled for pack-out on JULY 17 (not JUNE 17) with truck loading on JUNE 18.  Pretty hard to load a truck when it won't be packed for another full month, yes?  Yikes!  Perhaps I didn't say "yikes" when I heard what was going on.  Perhaps I might have used more colorful "traffic language" (even though I was not driving a car while talking to the moving company).  When explaining that I was scheduled to be in Philadelphia tomorrow at 6 p.m. to pick Megan up at the airport, perhaps I might have expressed some ... let's say "disappointment" before I moved into problem solving mode.  But now I am here in the zen of problem solving mode, thinking that a huge crew of movers might arrive at the crack of dawn tomorrow to get the storage (just the storage) packed and loaded.  Problem solving mode is pretty calming. Maybe I can even take a nap since I got up at 5 a.m. and am wired as tight as Baxter at the sight of a box and a suitcase.  A nap cuddled up with the dogs would be so lovely.  But first let me call the shipping company to confirm some details ....

WAIT!  HOLD ON!  All of a sudden, my landline phone can't get a dialtone.  I can't problem solve without a phone!  Ahhhh .... my new iPhone, how I love you.

Isn't moving fun?


Just off the phone with the movers who are planning to be here in force tomorrow and plan to do the full pack and load of storage in one (long) day.  I am immensely relieved to have gotten a reality check from my contact who reassured me that while I was shocked (and indeed salty) I was not personal and never directed my wave of frustration at her.  Good to know that even in a verbal amigdala response, my Positive Parenting and Responsive Classroom instincts kicked in and that I expressed frustration with the situation and not the person.  Consider that one test I do not wish to repeat :)  And in an example of good Customer Relations, in recognition that their error means that we cannot liaise with Megan in Philadelphia, they will reimburse us for Megan's shuttle from the airport to her grandmother's house.

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