Tuesday, June 25, 2013

And Off We Go!

Barking at movers has its limits (a few good hours later)
Tuesday - June 25, 2013

Farewell to Williamsburg!  Yesterday the house was finally emptied but only after another eventful day of packing, furniture tumbles, hound panic, and personnel confusion.  Sadie added to the general sense of the surreal by NOT chowing down her dinner for the first time ever.  I attributed this aberration to stress and disruption, gave her extra cuddles and reassurance, and then discovered that our stealth food addict had absconded with a new bag of treats and gulped them all down in the back yard.  Joe discovered the empty-bag, corner-gnawed evidence. Hmmmm....  Arriving last night in our Temporary Quarters, we promptly oriented the dogs inside then left them  while we unpacked the car - OOPS!  Guess who haven't locked a door in 4 years?  Who would have thought that doors could lock behind us?  Thank you, security personnel who hurried over to let us back in before the hounds went crazy!  Time to adjust to life outside of the safety of a military base  :)

Our "NO Lollygagging Tour 2013" Day 1 brings us to Jeffersonville, Indiana across the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky.  625 miles through Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky was an absolute pleasure for those of us accustomed to the harried hordes of traffic in the I-95 NorthEast corridor.  Where was the traffic?  Where were the bumper to bumper trucks?  The aggressive drivers weaving  ahead for a wee time advantage?  Were these wide open spans of highway the norm?  The hounds zonked out cold in their backseat beds until we all disembarked along the banks of the Ohio.  History geek that I am, I was incredibly excited to enjoy a long mosey along the Indiana bank letting the dogs sniff away while Joe and I read the historic placards and stretched our legs.  A highlight was the newly repurposed pedestrian Big Four Bridge.  We were also reminded that our intrepid hounds are quite discomfited by elevators.  Our fourth floor room has a view of Louisville, the Ohio, and its bridges (some lit up purple in the night).

AND, UCSF called!  I finally have an appointment for July 11.  Funny how the clerk mentioned Carolyn's phone call and not those from my oncology RN or my oncologist.  Carolyn gets things done.  One month and 2 days after receiving my paperwork, UCSF has opened the door.  Phew.  Now we can really relax :)

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