Friday, June 7, 2013

Moving Forward (and getting ready to move OUT!)

Friday - June 7, 2013

Moving forward with the job process!  Heartening news: my references are being contacted by both schools.  Discomfiting news: "Are you at liberty to disclose the nature of her illness?" has been asked by a teacher (who I met in my California interviews) who is helping to vet my references for her school.  In reflection, I realize that she was not in the room when I mentioned that I had been on (and am now OFF) medical leave.  So I choose to believe that she was just surprised when my reference mentioned my medical leave and the question just popped out.  Ah well .... Happily, the educator who was asked this question knew it was illegal and replied "No, I am not at liberty to share that."  Whatever will be, will be ....

Hmmm .... Again, it is NOT in my nature to be anything but open so I WANT TO DISCLOSE, share, lay it all on the table.  Yet I also want my cancer to be immaterial in hiring decisions and I am well aware of realities.  So ... I am not being specific when I say "medical leave."  "Cancer" might just slam shut an otherwise open and welcoming door.  I will spill the beans ... later.

Moving forward with the countdown!  Jonathan's home for the weekend! It's possibly (probably?) his last trip to the Williamsburg house. That's a wake-up call! Yet I look around and see that the children's instruments are off to new homes, furniture is being sold to neighbors, and boxes of belongings are being hauled away by the carload to Goodwill. Our final pack-out date has been confirmed for June 24. Seventeen days and counting!

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