Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Memory Lane

Wednesday - June 12, 2013

Our last Wednesday in Williamsburg...  Tick tock, pack-out approaches....  With some sense of comfort that most of the preparations are in hand (or at least within reach) for Monday's pack-out of our storage items, I treated myself to a lovely lunch with a friend followed by an after-school visit to the comforting halls of Matoaka.  I feel overwhelmed with gratitude whenever I go back.  Could I have fallen ill in a more supportive environment?  No.  I already had built up a comfort level and familiarity from my student teaching year at Matoaka and I felt fully supported by that wonderful Matoaka community after I returned from winter break in a pathetic state of illness.  EVERYone was kind and so very adept at putting me at ease.  Matoaka has set a standard for collegial school culture that will be difficult to match.

Speaking of which ... school climate is certainly an issue in contemplating my California job options and I am truly excited by the possibilities. The job search continues on its double-pronged path.  I am completely and utterly conflicted.  Two amazing choices with equal energy, commitment, and vision.  Two phenomenal opportunities: one in a long-established school, one in a school that has yet to launch.  Two divergent locations and states of development.  I am giving myself whiplash considering the options.  A good problem, for sure, but my internal (and external!) debate is never-ending and I am tying myself up in knots.  Thanks to everyone who has listened to me parse the options and who has weighed in.  More interviews and discussions with one school yesterday.  More interviews and discussions with another school tomorrow....

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