Tuesday, June 18, 2013

All Those Details

Tuesday - June 18, 2013

I write at the time we had originally intended for me to rendezvous with Megan at the Philadelphia Airport but the details have changed, the days have shifted, and all is well.  First came the July / June drop-down menu mix-up on the part of our packers and then American Airlines canceled Megan's flight and rebooked her for tomorrow evening.  So ... found time.  Our plans for this week are pushed back for by the great hand of chance.  A good opportunity to try to rest and regroup before our drive and visit north.  A needed respite from the onslaught of moving obligations, the preparation for next Monday's final pack-out of our California shipment, and our Tuesday departure for our 3000 mile drive to Sausalito.

Safe - but alert! - snuggling together inside their fleece cave
The pack-out of the storage was as smooth as can be hoped.  Massive preparations and sorts helped delineate the storage / shipment split and it is also clear (at least to me) that we have lessened the load in the last 4 years even with all of my classroom materials and teacher resources.  The dogs have now collapsed in exhaustion after a day of relentless attention guarding us from the four movers and their endless supply of boxes (!) and the screeches of their packing tape.  We created a bit of a dog oasis / gated sanctuary in the kitchen and dining room and the hounds hunkered down together seeking comfort.  In a family first, the trauma of all of this action prompted Sadie and Baxter to seek refuge together in the refuge of their Cozy Cave; Joe and I whipped out our cameras to capture the moment :)

On the health front, I have not yet heard back from UCSF.  Somehow the old adage of "you only have one chance to make a first impression" comes to mind as I wait and wait for someone to call me back from this highly-regarded hospital.  Let's remember that even my oncologist's office has phoned with little real result.  I need to meet with a physician soon.  I need to schedule the next round of MRI and PET scans for mid-August.  These details need to be hammered out as soon as possible.  Carolyn called to wrestle out an answer and got the same reassurance as I heard last week: an oncologist is reviewing my case and I will hear soon.  Hmmm....  UCSF is the fourth major medical hospital with which I have had contact and I am stunned at the snail's pace.  Johns Hopkins called me back within a few hours.  Now that's customer service!

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