Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Perspective and Prayers

Tuesday - April 23, 2013

As Joseph predicted, I have truly been laid low by this cough / fever.  While today was my third full day of sleep and hacking, I feel that I may have finally turned the corner (my temperature is evening out) thanks to heeding his (strong) counsel and keeping my movements and activities to a minimum.  My nerves have eased somewhat ... but I will probably remain nervy until I meet with my oncologist on May 21 to review the results of my upcoming May 15 scans.

Very very sad news.  The young man battling Burkitt's Lymphoma passed away on Monday morning.  Along with his parents, family, and friends, he is strongly in our thoughts and prayers.  I will keep with me his ready smile and great laugh in the halls of my former elementary school.  He was - is - a memorable and positive young man. 

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